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Appearances and Performances

LoveTies Performing in Dubai for the All Africa Festival with A'C.R.E.W.

LoveTies went international performing for the All Africa Festival, Black Excellence Awards and Titans of Africa with their A'C.R.E.W. Family 


Voyage Ohio Magazine Interview- Click the link below


Canvas Rebel Magazine Interview- Click link below

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Click on the link above to hear our newly released EP. 

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Award Winning Poetry Duo!!!!!


-2019 Legend Awards recipient for Poets of the Year


-2021 Ohio Poetry Awards recipient for Crowd Favorite, Best Feature and Best Poetry Group.


-2022 ICON Award recipients for B-Elite Pageants


-2023 Recognition in the 15th Edition of  Who's Who in Black Cleveland.


-2023 Jamille Smith was nominated for Lyricist of the Year for the Ohio Entertainment Awards.  


-2024 Dominicque was presented with an Exceptional Woman of Excellence Award from Women of God Ministries


-2024 Dominicque is nominated for a Women's Leadership Award by The Stiletto Boss Awards 























LoveTies will be performing for the "Drama at the Brownhoist Fashion Show" 

June 22nd


4403 st. Clair, Cleve, OH 44103



LOVETIES also performs as part of the group A'C.R.E.W. (Artist's Creatively Recognizing Everyone's Worth)
LOVETIES narrated the album "LOVE LETTER" written by Delvonte Tate. 
Superbowl LVI- Player Networking Event, Los Angeles, CA (A'C.R.E.W.)

LoveTies will be a featured performance as A'CREW at The Stiletto Boss Awards and Dominicque is nominated for a Women's Leadership Award

Postponed  to October 

-Location: The Bertram Hotel and Conference

LoveTies featured with A'C.R.E.W. for Super Bowl 56- Player Networking Event in Los Angeles, California 2021. A'CREW's rendition of Media Day was a powerful delivery of Poetry, Hip Hop, Comedy, Acting and R&B that provided an experience for the audience like no other.  

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"The Meaning" music video by The Warrens Featuring LoveTies

LoveTies is featured in the Warrens music video "The Meaning" This video dropped on Valentines day 2021. This video captures the essence of love in all ways imaginable. Check it out The Meaning Music Video - YouTube

Poetry vs. R&B II: Harlem Nights  (A'C.R.E.W.)
RAW: IMPACT -House of Blues

Loveties: The Art of Mr. and Mrs. Smith were featured in the Poetry vs. R&B II: Harlem Nights production. This was a re-creation of the hit movie Harlem Nights through the use of poetry, R&B, hip hop and fashion. Jamille played Sugar Ray while Dominicque was his wife Annie. Loveties was also featured in Poetry vs. R&B I; Art of Storytelling. These productions were put on by A' C.R.E.W. (Artists Creatively Recognizing Everyone's Worth) The Smith's are active members of this family of artists.

Loveties: The Art of Mr. and Mrs. Smith were featured in the RAW: IMPACT showcase at the House of Blues Cleveland in June of 2019. Here they gave a stellar performance of creative expression of language through the art of poetry. This poetry duo will be featured in future showcases through RAW Artists in the near future so stay tuned. 

_We are where broken promises mend, joining hearts equally in the middle, alpha and omega,
Working Class Rapper: Karlin "Arrogant" Warren

Jamille and Dominicque were featured on two tracks on this album written and produced by Karlin Warren. This project will have you tapping your toes and bobbing your head. This album is loaded with multiple artists for your listening pleasure. Our recommendation is to check it out.

Return to Zen: Elijah Gilmore Jazz Album

Loveties had the pleasure of being featured on the track "I Forgive" on the Jazz album Return to Zen with  American Jazz artist Elijah Gilmore. This album as a whole is pleasing to the ears. You can purchase this album at




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